Friday, 25 June 2021

                                    PINK SHIRT DAY!

Aloha bloggers, last week was pink shirt day and everyone at school had to wear pink. Anyway in the morning we did wen to take a big photo all together and we shaped a pink t- shirt. After that we had fruit break and all the Y6s had to go to Ms Sands to learn a new game for cultural day. Mrs Maiava came to teach us a new game called Ki O'Rahi it took quite a long time to learn how to play and play the game it was really fun in the end and was so hard at the same time. After trying to learn how to play Ki O'Rahi after that we came inside to do some blogging. A long time after blogging about Spark Arena it felt like a eternity, we finally got outside when the bell rang and went to do my duties. HEHEHE DUTIES... 

Anyway during morning tea me and my friends got out a bike. We went outside and started riding it was so fun because we had loads of races and I think I won some of them. After what felt like another fun hour of playing outside and riding bikes the handbell rang to take the bikes and equipment back to the shed. The bell was about te rang then all In heard was RING RING RING the bell rang so I raced my friends back to class and we finished our blogs. A while after blogging and finishing many unfinished stuff we were doing dance. We learnt how to dance in Tongan the week before and we learnt how to do more like dance in Samoan HOW FUN RIGHT! Anway that all that we did!


Aloha bloggers, this week and last week we were learning how to write instructions or also called procedural text. Tinkling is a game where you have two bamboos sticks and three people. One person is jumping while the other two people doing this type of rhythm with the bamboo sticks its a super fun game and maybe you can try it out! 

There are so much ways to play this game and it was really fun learning this game. The coolest part about writing a procedural text was that I got to learn how to play this fun game while writing a procedural text. Check out the TE WAKA AKO BLOG TOO! I hope you enjoy taking a read or just a look at my work. ALOHA bloggers!!!

LINK to Drawing


Tuesday, 15 June 2021


Aloha bloggers,

Last week we had a student led toolkits in school for STEM WEEK. We had twenty four presenters and twelve  toolkits they had forty five minutes minutes to teach us what they had like book creator and have fun. We had to choose three of those options. The three main options that I chose was Makey Makey, Sphero, Webcam toy. 

 My first toolkit I did was Makey Makey it was so fun because we got to make music with either playdough, a banana or with legos. It super fun but honestly I just liked the piano and the bongo and fiddling with them. My favourite part about doing the Makey Makey was that I got to play the piano by making keys out of different things and also playing the bongos with some play dough and legos. I really liked doing Makey Makey because of al
l the music we were making.

 My second toolkit that I went to was Webcam Toy. It is on google and you just need to type webcam toy in the address bar have fun! Anyway me and my friend Santanna basically took funny photos the whole time it was so funny and fun. We had so much fun taking funny photos for forty five minutes to take as much photos as we could. During the forty five minutes Miss Daly my teacher was taking photos of all our photos. A couple minutes later we had to switch and go to our next toolkit.

 My last toolkit was the Sphero and it was the funniest of all the toolkits I did because we got to control the little Sphero from our chromebooks the best part of all was that it could change colours and we made a maze for it with chairs. It was the best and I loved chasing it around and putting it on the ramps. It was so so so fun cool at the same time. I loved  doing the Spheros and changing the colours and chasing it around.  It was so fun and I would definitely do all of it again. Aloha Bloggers!

STEM: S Science ,T Technology, E Engineering, M Mathematics.
